
Consent Banner JS

A zero-dependency, lightweight (~3kB), consent platform agnostic, cookie banner for any website.

Consent Banner Demo

How does it work?

  1. It takes JSON configuration that controls display of the banner.
  2. It fires JS callback when user interacts with the banner
  3. It provides simple JS object with consent state

Get started

First, include simple CSS for the banner in the <head> of the page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Then in the footer you can include the actual JS:

<script src="" integrity="sha384-zXUdInIfEJI2FEImKEFc2cmja+Jn7TViSXzqt6OhABX0jMgz6Mctrc864uJaN5PX" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Or if you want to load the library script asynchronously, you can use the following consent-banner.ready event listener, which will execute the function only when the library is loaded:

<script defer src="" integrity="sha384-zXUdInIfEJI2FEImKEFc2cmja+Jn7TViSXzqt6OhABX0jMgz6Mctrc864uJaN5PX" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    window.addEventListener('consent-banner.ready', () => {

INFO: You can call the cookiesBannerJs function whenever, wherever you want, inside it is wrapped with DOM Ready thingy.

To make that work you need to prepare three things:

  1. A function to load the consent state from somewhere, for instance localStorage (see examples)
  2. A function to do something when the user provides their consent, for instance save it in localStorage (see examples)
  3. A config object that contains complete configuration for the banner content (see examples)

Config Object

    display: {
        mode: 'modal', // you can use 'modal' or 'bar'
        wall: true // covers the page with opaque layer to prevent user interactions
    consent_types: [{
        name: 'ad_storage', // internal name of consent type, used for final JS object
        title: 'Ad Storage', // user facing title for consent type
        description: 'Cookies used for advertising purposes', // description visible in the settings view
        default: 'denied', // what should be the default state when user decides to customize the settings
        require: false // if set to true it won't be possible to save consent without this granted
    modal: {
        title: 'Learn how we protect your privacy', // title of the first view
        description: 'Longer description with *simple markdown support*.',
        buttons: {
            settings: 'Settings',
            close: 'Close',
            reject: 'Reject',
            accept: 'Accept all'
    settings: {
        title: 'Customise your preferences',
        description: 'Longer description with *simple markdown support*.',
        buttons: {
            reject: 'Reject',
            close: 'Close',
            save: 'Save',
            accept: 'Accept all'

Both JS callback functions provided needs to either accept (on save) or return (on load) Consent State Object:

    ad_storage: 'granted',
    analytics_storage: 'denied'


    function loadConsentState() {
        const consentState = {}; // get it from somewhere (e.g. localStorage);
        return consentState;
    function saveConsentState(consentState) {
        // do something with consentState, which is basic JS object:
        // {
        //   ad_storage: 'granted',
        //   analytics_storage: 'denied'
        // }

Simple Markdown

All description fields in config object support simplified Markdown-like syntax:


This banner comes with mininal set of CSS with all elements prefixed with consent-banner-. Main elements have their IDs:

Buttons can be styles using following CSS selectors:


See following examples for complete setups:


Instead of doing direct installation in HTML you can use one of the following integrations:

Google Tag Manager

Use this Google Tag Manager Template to quickly configure and deploy the Consent Banner on any GTM enabled website. It obviously integrates with Google Consent Mode.


Simple WordPress plugin that provides UI for configuration, injects required files and integrates with Google Consent Mode.


Simple PrestaShop plugin that provides UI for configuration, injects required files and integrates with Google Consent Mode.

Cloudflare Worker

Example CF Worker code to inject Consent Banner and the configuration without touching HTML code.


We like docker so that’s how get local dev server:

docker-compose up -d dev

But first, we need to install dependencies:

docker-compose run dev npm i

And if we need node cli we get into the a shell like that:

docker-compose run --rm dev bash

Finally, to build minified JS file we run:

docker-compose run dev npm run build